Saturday 1 January 2011

Vin Di Carlo - How To Say The Right Thing, At The Right Time

I'm going to break down “meeting women” into the simplest form possible.

At it's absolute core, being good with women means doing one thing – and only one thing - incredibly well.

Being good with women means always saying the “RIGHT” thing at the “RIGHT” time.

Now, both of those “right”s are very subjective. You could argue that the “right” thing is always the funny thing...

… Or that the “right” time doesn't exist...

… And you'd probably be right, on both accounts. IF – and only if -
you wanted to say the “right” thing at the “right” time to ALL women!

You see, you CAN'T possibly say the right thing at the right time to every woman in the world.

Because let's face it – all women are NOT the same!

What you CAN do is say the “right” thing at the “right” time on a woman to woman basis.

In fact, this is actually quite EASY.

I'mgoing to show you HOW easy it is, exactly what I mean and how to say the “right” thing WHENEVER you talk to a beautiful woman.

So let's dig right into it...

The secret is figuring out what she wants, from you. And then giving it to her.

Revolutionary, right? ;-)

It's easier said than done, for sure. Women are complex creatures. She seems to want something different, every time she opens her mouth.

Not to mention differences in cultures, races, countries... etc.

The one and ONLY way I've found to figure out what a woman wants you to say is to “Read Her Mind.”

Lemme explain:

Obviously, you can't “read” someone's mind in the fiction-novel sense of the word. At any given time, it is impossible to tell what a woman is thinking.

The possibilities are just too great!


When you narrow down her thoughts to just her thoughts about men, sex and relationships... Your job gets MUCH easier!

In fact, at any given time, a woman who is thinking about men, sex or relationships is REALLY only thinking about three things:


And she solves this problem in one of two ways. She either:

a) Dates around, until she finds a guy who fits her mould of an “ideal” guy... or...

b) Finds a guy who is a 75% match to her “ideal” guy... and... Spends the rest of her time and energy trying to 'change' him into her “ideal” man.

Both let her find her “ideal” man, but are on opposite sides of the spectrum.


And she solves this problem in one of two ways, as well. She either:

a)Sleeps around, then justifies it to herself, saying, “Unless I taste a little variety, I'll never know what I really like in bed”
... or...

b) She denies sexual pleasure to ANY of the men in her life... until... She finds a “special” guy she wants to give it to.

Both keep her from feeling like a “slut”, they just handle it in opposite ways.


And her answer is going to be one of two options:

a) She wants the traditional white-picket fence, “homemaker” life for herself...

b) She wants to be an independent, career-driven woman with a spouse who supports her EMOTIONALLY.

Both of these make her feel happy in the long run, but both are completely opposite personality types.

You see, these “problems” she has, and her individual solutions to each show up in more than her thoughts.

How she acts...

How she dresses...

The friends she hangs around with...

How she treats guys in her life...

… Even whether or not she's a “spiritual” person can be traced to her decisions in these 3 areas!

(Reproducing – mating – IS our biggest evolutionary drive, after all... Our whole LIVES are based around “getting some!”)

So in order to “Read Her Mind” and figure out her answers to her three questions about men, sex and relationships...


Once you know which “signals” she's giving off with her dress, her attitude, her beliefs... you'll have no trouble at all “tailoring” your conversation to match her beliefs.

(OR – you can figure out if she's a good “fit” for you, down the road, before you get in “too deep”)

I'd like to tell you which signals to look for... how to tell which “type” of woman she is... what MAJOR mistakes to avoid... and a whole lot more.

And I'd like to tell you all of the above – for free.

All you gotta do is click the link below, then fill in your email address in the page that follows.

Because once you enter your email address, I'm going to send you a free article titled “One Minute Mind Reading”

Inside this article, you'll learn even MORE about a woman's three major “problems” when it comes to men, sex and relationships.

And you'll see how to USE this information in the real world – with examples.

A few days later, I'll send you a free video
called “The Candy Store Video” because in it, I show you how meeting a woman can be fun and easy as being a kid in a candy store.

In fact, I introduce you to all EIGHT types of women... and I show you the MAJOR mistakes you MUST avoid, if you want to meet, date or sleep with her.

(ESPECIALLY if she's a woman you already have your eye on)

Two days after you get your free video,
I'm going to send you a free quiz. Take this quiz about a woman in your life – it's just an easy 9 questions – and I'll show you EXACTLY which type she is.

So you can flip back in your free article and re-watch your free video for tips to get her … and... the MAJOR mistake you NEED to avoid when talking to her.

(Screw this up – and you're done for!)

Best of all – while I'm sending you all of these free goodies – I'll also send you emails that show you – step-by-step - how to USE the information in your free article, your
free video and your free quiz to seduce ANY woman on the face of the earth.

(INCLUDING that one girl you have your eye on, right now!)

All YOU have to do, is click the link below. Then, fill in your email in the box on the following page.

Your Friend,

- Vin

PS. Don't delay, though.

Because although I promise you WILL get your free article, your free video and your free quiz if you click this link and enter your email, right now...

… I can't promise your gifts will be around forever. Let me explain:

You see, these free gifts reveal exactly what I PERSONALLY do to meet the beautiful women I have in my life.

And I don't want their effectiveness dulled or diluted because too many men are using my techniques.

So... Each week... I check to see how many men have downloaded your free article, free video and free quiz.

If and when this number breaks 2,000, I am taking these free gifts off the market, never to be seen again.

So, if you're interested at all in finding out EXACTLY what you would learn about a woman, if you were to read her diary...

… including her deepest desires for men, for sex and for a relationship...

… ESPECIALLY how YOU can usethis information to meet, date or sleep with ANY woman you want...

… then I highly recommend clicking the link below and entering your email on the following page, right now:

(if they're still available...)

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