Sunday 26 December 2010

Vin Di Carlo - So What Can The FBI Teach You About Meeting Women?

So what can the FBI teach you about meeting women?

Well... as it turns out... Those  black-suited government agents have an entire DIVISION devoted to the one skill you need to seduce ANY woman.

That skill is called “reading her mind”... And the FBI's division is called The  Profiling Division.

In it, they use tools and knowledge to “search” a target's soul, and learn everything about him or her...

They track killers.

They catch robbers.

They can find anyone, anywhere, and they do it all by getting into your MIND.

You can do the same thing, with women.

(Obviously, not to hunt and find them... but to seduce her, and make her feel good)

The KEY is learning how to read a woman's MIND. Which is actually incredibly simple. I'll show you how in just a second...


… The secret is, these “profilers” aren't the special people you see on TV, like Monk who has a super-computer for a brain.

Nope, these profilers are your average,everyday Joe, like you and me. They simply have a special skill set that you can learn through a bit of practice... and...
… One MASSIVE secret they want to keep from getting public!
The secret is this:
People – including women – Think About Only 10-12 Things, 99%  Of The Time!

This means 99% of the time, you're thinking about a handful of topics, and this handful of topics only.

99% of the time, you're thinking about sex, your job, a goal you're going after, your friends, your family, and just a few other topics.
The secret is – So am I. So are the women you want to seduce. And in fact...
And it's these 3 things – and these 3 things ONLY – you need to know about a woman you want.

Once you know, you'll know how to seduce her. Because she spends 99% of her time thinking about:

This is how much time she spends with him... Where they go... How they meet...
This is whether it's with one man – or many... Whether she saves sex for marriage... Whether she needs to feel loved or excited...
This is whether she wants a white picket fence... or... To pursue her own careers... Whether she wants a man to take care of her... or... A man to work WITH her...
… And once you know where she
“stands” on these 3 topics, you will know everything she's thinking about men, sex and dating.
(And how you can use this information to seduce her!)

How do you get this info? It's really quite simple...


You see, an FBI profiler doesn't walk up to his target and start asking questions. Neither should you.
In fact, those FBI profilers can “seduce” and “diagnose” their targets from hundreds of miles away. And it's all because they look for 'tells' and giveaways...
You see, as people, we DO THINGS according to what we think about and believe. The  most readily available example is how we dress: Based on the music we like, or the culture we belong to, we will dress in a way that matches up.
More or less.
And it's the same thing with women.  She “acts” a certain way, because she believes certain things about men, sex and dating.
These beliefs influence everything from  her choice of clothes, to whether or not she has a tattoo, to how much time she spends with her family...
… Everything.
And best of all – you can usually tell where she stands on all three of our “hot issues” within the first 60 seconds you meet her.
For now, I don't have enough time or space to give you the details. But if you want to know more... including exactly what the 8 “types” of women are... how you can use this information to get ANY woman you set your sights on...
… And even how to “Read” a Woman's Mind, tell what she's thinking and get her phone number in under 60 seconds...

… Then simply click the link below, and enter your email address. I will send you a free article, free video and even a quiz on the topic.

(Take this quiz about a woman you like … and... You'll find out EXACTLY how to seduce her, quickly!)

Just click here, enter your email and tell me where to send the rest of this information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. :-)
Your Friend,
- Vin

PS. Don't wait too long – I'm only taking the first 2,000 men my good friend who sent you this email sends my way.

Once he's hit that number – and trust me, he'll hit that number very quickly – I'm pulling the rest of this information off the market.

Why? Well, it's really very simple: This is the information I use in my life, to seduce the women I find

And if I send it to any more than 2,000 men... I feel like it will weaken the  effectiveness. No longer will this information belong to a “select few” and women may start to look for it, or grow resistant.
My sex life is too important to risk that backlash!

So... If you'd like to know how to read a woman's mind... I highly recommend you click the link  below – quickly.

(Before my friend's 2,000 slots fill up – for good)
affirmation I use in my life, to seduce the women I find  attractive.

And if I send it to any more than 2,000 men... I feel like it will weaken the effect

Ross Jeffries - The Ethics of Boyfriend Destroying!

Here is an email I received on the subject


I for one do not appreciate this whole "boyfriend" destroying thing.

I have a girlfriend who I love very much(thanks to your teachings) and I wouldn't want anyone taking her away from me.

Think about what you are teaching and then think again.

Some of this stuff isn't right or ethical. Breaking relationships isn't right.

And you do not have my permission to use my name in this email

Mr. Anonymous"

Ok, Anon. Different strokes for different folks.

But here is a point to consider: while it is great you love your girlfriend (and I assume it is great she loves you), not every girl and guy are going to be in that situation.

It's just a sad fact that many women who SAY they have a boyfriend either are lying outright, responding out of auto-pilot, or they are stuck in relationships in which they are not happy.

The reality is, most very attractive women ARE probably going to be with someone.

If you wait until you find girls who are totally officially "single" you may be waiting a long time.

Personally, I find technology(and Speed Seduction® is an technology) to be morally neutral.

You can use fire to heat your camp at night. Or you can use it to burn down a building.

You can use a knife to stab an innocent person in the heart. Or you can use it to cut someone's bonds and set them free.

Speaking for myself alone, I believe that not caving in to a woman's first "knee-jerk" response is a good thing.

I'm creating a space for her to have a new choice, to respond with more freedom and act differently.

Listen: if she really, REALLY loves the guy, she will let you know and you aren't going to get anywhere anyway.

Let me make it clear: NOTHING works all the time.

And that is the way it is in the real world, and that's ok.

Meantime, if you guys want to learn how to meet women easily, anytime, anywhere, and totally have them eating out of the palm of your hand(and the fly of your pants) just go here:
And if the women you meet tell you "I have a boyfriend" it's nice to know you know how to respond even if you choose not to.

Peace and piece


P.S. Anon, if I ever meet YOUR girlfriend I WILL run a boyfriend destroyer on her, just because you are such a preachy little schmuck.

P.P.S. Want to get women steaming in minutes with one of three simple, seemingly innocent touches? Check out the Advanced Irresistible Arousal DVD:

Ross Jeffries - Word For Word Three Minute Street Pick Up!

It absolutely amazes me when guys claim they just don't know what to say to meet women.

By far, this is one of the top complaints I get from men.

In fact, worrying about WHAT to say is looking at the challenge from the wrong level.

Listen: it's not that what you say doesn't matter. It's that what you say is a function of what attitude or energy you want to project.

As I teach in my Gold Walk Up DVD that has been flying off the shelves

(, there are 4 basic approach attitudes or positions that you use to meet women anytime, anywhere, in any situation and never have to worry about what comes out of your mouth.

To illustrate, let me tell you how I did a 3 minute(actually about 3 1/2 minutes) pick up yesterday, while going to my dry cleaners. I used 2 of the 4 positions, in combination with each other, and didn't have to worry one minute about what I was saying.

Here Is Exactly How It Happened

I drove up to my dry-cleaners and got out of my Saab. As I was entering, a very hot blonde was leaving.

She walked by me and unlocked the door to her car.

Using approach position #1(comment, question or observation) I said to her, "How do you like your car?"

She said, "I like it a lot, but it guzzles gas."

Me, (shifting to approach position #2, and shaking my head); "It's too short".

Her: "No, it's a big car."

Me (shaking my head again, approach position #2) "It's too short".

Her: "What's too short?"

Me: Life…to hesitate..when you see someone you think is incredibly attractive

Her:(blushing and laughing) Wow, that's incredibly sweet

Me: (playfully punching her on the arm) I was talking about me!

Then I introduced myself and said, "I'm glad you laughed because a sense of humor is really important to me. Now, let's see if we are snack-compatible".

I then went into my amazing Snack Quiz opener which is like cat-nip to women. For some reason they LOVE taking quizzes, love being tested, and love to see if they qualify! Even though it is a total joke, they always go for it and as nutty as it seems, it immediately sets the frame that ***I*** am the one testing and selecting THEM, rather than the other way around.

This is crucially important; if you can make a woman feel that she is the one who has to prove herself to you, then you are setting a "frame". And whomever controls the frame..

Controls Whatever Happens Inside The Frame!

Now, this isn't bad for the first 3 minutes of conversation!

(By the way, you can learn all about setting the frame for women to dramatically increase your seduction success by checking out my "Frame Control" Video series but ONLY if you already own a Home Study Course! This is NOT a product for beginners:
Here is the really interesting thing-since I didn't have a lot of time to chat , I paced the situation(as I teach to do) and said, "Look, we haven't really had a lot of time to talk, and
normally after such a short while, I wouldn't pursue it…but I sense you are open to discovering wonderful things."

Note what I am doing here. I am pacing HER possible objection of "but I don't really know you" by doing it first. That way, she can no longer have that objection.

But simply demolishing her objection isn't enough for your good ol' Guru and for you, the budding master seducer and persuader, it shouldn't be either.

I also want to give her a better place to go.

This is a key principle in any kind of persuasion.

Once you remove someone's autopilot objection, ALWAYS give them a better place to go or the objection will probably return.

In this case, I gave her a good image to live up to by saying that I sensed she was open to discovering wonderful things, but I REMAIN VAGUE.

You see, I don't say WHAT those wonderful things are. That way her own mind and imagination will fill in the blanks and make it fit just right.

Had I told her WHAT wonderful things, they might not have fit, and she could have rejected it.

By being vague, I let her own imagination create the perfect fit.

We exchanged information, after I said, "So what steps can we take to make sure that happens" and SHE called me that night!

Not bad for 3 1/2 minutes in a dry cleaners' parking lot. And more importantly, look at how strongly in that short time I established a frame that she is the one who has to prove herself
to me.

One last interesting point; on the phone call, she said, "I have to let you know, I do have a boyfriend".

My response? "No problem; I don't want to be a boyfriend. Too many rules and too many roles. I'd rather just relax and get to enjoy each other without all those heartaches and pressures."
She's coming over tonight.

Peace and piece


P.S. Note how I used implication to, without actually saying it, insinuate that her boyfriend causes her heartaches and pressures. Also, note how I kept it vague when I said "relax and
enjoy each other". I didn't say specifically how, did I? Again, knowing when to be vague is incredibly powerful, something I teach in the Speed Seduction Home Study Course
P.P.S. If you want to learn, master, and easily use the 4 approach positions to meet women, anytime, anywhere, demonstrated by me on live female subjects, check out the Gold Walk Up DVD, our #2 best seller this year:

Ross Jeffries - Three Kinds Of Seduction Confidence

Many times, students come to me after a long period of being single; either they are coming out of a long relationship, a marriage that is ending, or they just have never gotten the hang of being at ease around women.
Many of these students make the mistake of expecting to be totally powerful, at ease and smooth right out of the gate and get disappointed when they can’t quite get there right away.

So let me point out that, actually, there are 3 kinds of confidence that can work for you.
First, there is “performance” confidence.

Performance confidence comes from already having done something well many times in the past. 

You’ve successfully scored a 30 ft jump shot 1,000 times before, so you are pretty at ease on the court, knowing you can do it again.

The paradox comes when you are in an area of life where you have NOT done well before. How do you get performance confidence when you have little experience, or lots of experience and MOST of it “bad”?
Now, even newbies can get performance confidence. The key here is to start with very small pieces and work your way up gradually, a little bit at a time. That way, you are stretching your comfort zone and what your mind believes you can do, inside.  You are stretching just enough to learn and move ahead but not so much that you feel there is any danger in your mind.

Think about it like this: when I first started out teaching myself this stuff and experimenting, sometimes all I could do is the smallest little piece. But I kept right on building, gradually being able to do more and more.

The next kind of confidence is very useful to beginner and veteran student alike:
I call it “acceptance” confidence.

Now, acceptance confidence is NOT about puffing yourself up and charging in like a bull after a cow.

Acceptance confidence is about realizing the following attitude, “You know, I’m not sure how I will do or what will happen, but at the very least, I’ll learning something and have some fun.”

You see, acceptance confidence is not about having a “will” of steel.

It’s about having “willingness” and giving yourself permission.

It’s about having good beliefs about learning and giving yourself permission to fuck up, learn and laugh through what to others might seem or feel like starting to fail.

One of the realizations I had came from a discussion I had with my good friend, Vince Kelvin.  I was pointing out some areas of my life that were producing some intense frustration and he said, “What if those areas weren’t really frustrating? What if they were just markers: book marks that are showing you chapters of power and ability that you didn’t even know were there, and now that they have your attention, you can open the book to the exact spots and get those chapters read?”

My friend, that kind of attitude is exactly what I “acceptance” confidence is about.

Now, here  are two more things to consider about the power of acceptance confidence:

1.  You can have acceptance confidence at ANY time. It’s not about skill, but about attitude. You can have it right now, this very second, this very moment, reading this. It’s just about giving yourself permission to fuck up and learn and doing it with a bit of a laugh.
2. Women can NOT tell the difference between performance and acceptance confidence and will be as attracted to your acceptance confidence as to someone who has peformance confidence. The “vibe” feels very much the same to them and they are equally drawn!
I’m not kidding about this. Try it for yourself and see.

Projection Confidence
As you might know, I am a big advocate, believer and teacher of “positive” programming.  I believe it can truly work and be truly useful.

By rehearsing how you would like to feel, how you would speak and how you would feel inside trying out new behaviors, you can make these behaviors feel much more real and familiar to your mind and quite effectively increase your ability to try out and do well at new abilities, skills and responses in the field.

I personally recommend my Fear Into Charisma DVD as being the absolute best and easiest “projection confidence” product, but I have other as well. Check out the Fear To Charisma DVD right here at:

One Warning About Profoundly Changing

Sometimes when you start truly changing in an important area of life, old habits and patterns and ways of thinking and acting may try to jump up and bite you in the ass.

That is NOT a sign you are “backsliding” or “failing”. It just means that these old ways are actually looking for a way to be released, recycled, refined and redirected to even more empower the vision and reality of who you are every day more and more becoming!

One last point before I close this issue: it also helps to hold a “compassionate” view of the women you desire. This just means that you remember, whether they are pleasing or frustrating you, yielding or resisting, they are still just human beings. They came in the same way you did: naked baby. They will go out the same way you will: no more breathing. And in between those shared events, they are just trying to figure it all out. 

And they have their own moods, problems and insecurities to deal with along the way.

They may be hot.
They may be driving you crazy.
But they are NOT giants. They are just humans.

Peace and piece,